Nov 30, 2023
Electrifying Tomorrow - The Unstoppable Rise of Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles aren’t overly common on the road, but as many as 38% of Americans say that they’ll seriously consider buying an EV for their next vehicle.

As they become more viable, people are quickly turning to the idea of electric cars. They offer a range of benefits, and more options are appearing each year. It’s safe to say that they’ll become significantly more popular in the near future.

In this guide, we’ll take a look at the rise of electric vehicles and explore the trends we’re likely to see in the coming years. Keep reading for more.

A Brief History

The first ever electric car was made in the 1830s, though it was a far cry from what we see on the roads today. People have been improving them since this time, but even in the early 1900s, they cost about 10 times as much as traditional cars.

In more recent decades, several manufacturers put out electric cars, but they only really started making waves when Tesla joined the movement. They started producing the roadster in 2008 and, since then, have launched a range of EVs that have become incredibly popular.

Several other manufacturers, such as BMW, Hyundai, and Volkswagen, now have several models available. As of 2023, there are more than 2 million electric cars on the road in the US.

Driving Factors Behind Electric Vehicles

The range and cost of electric vehicles have made them far more popular these days. They’re a lot more affordable than they used to be, and with a greater EV range on the market, people are having an easier time finding something they’re happy with.

Modern EVs can charge a lot faster, and travel further on a charge, which makes them much more ideal for day-to-day use. A lot of cities have car charging stations, and more are being added every year.

Manufacturers are also able to benefit from government policies such as tax exemptions on EVs. With gas prices on the rise in a lot of areas, having a vehicle that doesn’t rely on gas is very appealing.

Perhaps the most important factor is environmental awareness. More people (especially younger generations) want to reduce their impact on the environment, and EVs are more eco-friendly than traditional cars.

The Near Future

The future of cars isn’t always clear, but it seems safe to say that EV sales will only go up. As things like battery technology, charging infrastructure, and affordability continue to improve, more people will gain an interest in electric vehicles.

On top of improvements to current features, new technologies will also come into play. Some models offer autonomous driving, but this will become a lot more common. Wireless charging is also likely to start appearing on new models within the next few years.

Is an EV Right for You?

Electric vehicles are becoming more popular all over the world. You should definitely consider one for your next purchase as they offer a range of benefits over regular cars.

Whether you’re after an EV or something different, Bruner Auto Family in Early, TX, has plenty to choose from. If you want to ask us about any of the vehicles we have available, contact us today.